My photographic vision. The world as I have seen it through my camera lens.
Showing posts with label 35mm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 35mm. Show all posts
01 April 2018
03 December 2016
The Soul Healer
Shooting for Razvan Valceanu
Models: Olga (ICAN Model Management)
Outfit: Razvan Valceanu - We Speak Shirts
Location:The Victorian Rose
Info: Ambient lights (incandescent bulbs)
The Memory Remains (square and color version)
Shooting for Razvan Valceanu
Models: Olga (ICAN Model Management)
Outfit: Razvan Valceanu - We Speak Shirts
Location:The Victorian Rose
Info: Ambient lights (incandescent bulbs)
The Memory Remains
Shooting for Razvan Valceanu
Models: Olga (ICAN Model Management)
Outfit: Razvan Valceanu - We Speak Shirts
Location:The Victorian Rose
Info: Ambient lights (incandescent bulbs)
13 November 2016
Shooting in ambient light
Shooting for Razvan Valceanu
Models: Tamara, Olga and Valeria (ICAN Model Management)
Outfit: Razvan Valceanu - We Speak Shirts
Location:The Victorian Rose
Info: Ambient lights (incandescent bulbs)
Models: Tamara, Olga and Valeria (ICAN Model Management)
Outfit: Razvan Valceanu - We Speak Shirts
Location:The Victorian Rose
Info: Ambient lights (incandescent bulbs)
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Meditation |
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Night Breeze |
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Boudoir |
05 October 2015
O veste buna pentru argentici
Deci iata ca F64 a facut pana la urma pasul si spre procesarea si scanarea filmelor argentice. Este chiar o veste buna tinand cont de faptul ca specialistii din spatele lor sunt baietii de la Allkimik. In acest fel pot pune si eu punct scrisorii deschise catre F64.
Detalii despre minune aici:
Si iata cum nu mai exista nici o scuza pentru a nu face fotografii cu argint! :)
black and white,
large format,
medium format
08 February 2015
Ice Land Fairy (II)
Photographer: Ioan Nicolae
Model: Georgeta (Gina) Pistol
Make-up: Bianca Drumea
Hair stylist: Roxana Obretin
Locatie: Club Opium Studio
black and white,
fine art,
07 February 2015
Georgeta, aka Gina Pistol (with lighting setup diagram)
Photographer: Ioan Nicolae
Model: Georgeta (Gina) Pistol
Make-up: Bianca Drumea
Hair stylist: Roxana Obretin
Locatie: Club Opium Studio
black and white,
fine art,
lighting diagram,
16 December 2013
Un hibrid analogo-digital ciudat dar eficient (reloaded)

Acum ceva timp postasem un articol despre o modalitate de copiere a fotogramelor intr-o maniera destul de empirica dar suficient de comoda si eficienta pentru ca varianta digitala sa fie utilizabila cu real succes. Pe scurt, se fotografia negativul utilizand ca sursa de lumina ecranul LCD al unei tablete (articolul respectiv poate fi citit aici).
Astazi am reeditat acest test dar cu "scule" un pic imbunatatite.
17 February 2013
Scrisoare deschisa catre F64 Studio
Dupa cum stiu marea majoritate a fotografilor ce inca utilizeaza materiale fotosensibile alb/negru sau color, procesarea acestora incepe sa devina din ce in ce mai anevoioasa datorita disparitiei tot mai accentuate a centrelor unde acestea ar putea fi procesate. De exemplu, in Bucuresti se mai pot developa diapozitive (proces E-6) numai in doua locuri (nu o sa specific locatiile respective pentru a nu se considera ca le fac publicitate). Inclusiv clasicele filme color pot fi developate profesional in din ce in ce mai putine centre. Aici situatia nu este la fel de dezastroasa ca la diapozitive dar nu este nici foarte departe de ea.
In contextul enuntat, am o propunere de largire a paletei de servicii pe care le ofera F64 Studio dar totusi fara a se limita doar la acestia. Trebuie sa mentionez ca am ales F64 Studio nu numai datorita vechii prietenii si a bunelor relatii existente dar mai ales datorita calitatii serviciilor oferite si respectului pentru client.
Your Android tablet as lightbox
Yesterday, because it is weekend and I had enough time I wanted to make a selection of slides for sending to scanner but unfortunately my old lightbox was not working due to the power adapter. And here I am put in a position to find an alternative way of viewing the slides easy and comfortable. The simplest and convenient option that I had in mind was to use my tablet as a lightbox. Or rather said as lighttab.
large format,
words and thoughts
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