Showing posts with label large format. Show all posts
Showing posts with label large format. Show all posts

05 October 2015

O veste buna pentru argentici

Deci iata ca F64 a facut pana la urma pasul si spre procesarea si scanarea filmelor argentice. Este chiar o veste buna tinand cont de faptul ca specialistii din spatele lor sunt baietii de la Allkimik. In acest fel pot pune si eu punct scrisorii deschise catre F64.

Detalii despre minune aici:

Si iata cum nu mai exista nici o scuza pentru a nu face fotografii cu argint! :)

27 June 2013

Ioan Nicolae @ Noaptea Alba a Fotografiei

Da, deci expun in cadrul acestui eveniment. :)

Detalii despre eveniment aici:

Multumiri George pentru titlu!

17 February 2013

Your Android tablet as lightbox

Yesterday, because it is weekend and I had enough time  I wanted to make a selection of slides for sending to scanner but unfortunately my old lightbox was not working due to the power adapter. And here I am put in a position to find an alternative way of viewing the slides easy and comfortable. The simplest and convenient option that I had in mind was to use my tablet as a lightbox. Or rather said as lighttab.