My photographic vision. The world as I have seen it through my camera lens.
31 March 2009
22 March 2009
Adrian Per a castigat locul I la concursul International Color Awards
Adrian Per a castigat locul I la concursul International Color Awards editia a III-a, sectiunea amatori, categoria Abstract. Lucrarea premiata a fost Floating Ices!
Felicitari si lumina buna in continuare!
Felicitari si lumina buna in continuare!
21 March 2009
Dl. Moiceanu si Cutia Pandorei
Surfand noaptea tarziu pe net am constientizat un fenomen fotografic ce in prima faza mi-a trecut neobservat. Mai exact am constatat ca ne-am umplut de tot soiul de workshop-uri... Care mai de care mai variate si placute ochiului si mintii. Pana aici numai de bine dar cum putem deosebi mentorii actuali ai fotografiei romanesti de impostorii artizanali pusi pe afaceri?
Pai cred ca depinde de nivelul fotografic al viitorului cursant. Daca e ceva dotat, fotografic vorbind, din ratiuni principiale probabil ca se va duce la artisti consacrati iar daca e incepator, din ratiuni economice, la artisti mai putin consacrati sau chiar de loc...sau chiar nuli si de care nu a auzit nimeni*. Cred ca aici e zona in care iti vei da seama ca ai dat banii degeaba in momentul cand termini workshop-ul si constati ca esti mai lemn decat inainte. Ba mai rau... Daca inainte aveai 2-3 intrebari fara raspuns acum ai 20 si-ti pocneste capul de ciuda si ganduri negre, nu neaparat dupa bani pe care ii dadaeai mai bine la copii sarmani sau/si batrani ai strazii decat organizatorului cat dupa faptul ca daca o tii tot asa , din workshop nul in workshop nul o sa ajungi sa te uiti la o fotografie precum curca'n craci. Fac o paranteza...daca pleci cu mai multe intrebari decat cu cate ai venit inseamna ca workshop-ul a fost OK. Cum nu poti ajunge doctor in fotografie in urma unei zile (sau doua, sau mai multe) de curs macar ti-a deschis mintea si dorinta de informatii noi.
Da, cred ca domnul Moiceanu a deschis Cutia Pandorei (sa nu mi se ia in nume de rau daca dl. Moiceanu nu a fost primul fotograf ce a organizat workshop-uri fotografice in Romania, dar in ceea ce ma priveste asimilez inceputurile workshop-urilor la noi cu dl. Moiceanu si Culoarul Rucar-Bran).
Domn' Moiceanu...ce ne-ati facut???
* mai exista si categoria incepator cu bani, dar comportamentul fotografic al acestora e imprevizibil pentru mine
Pai cred ca depinde de nivelul fotografic al viitorului cursant. Daca e ceva dotat, fotografic vorbind, din ratiuni principiale probabil ca se va duce la artisti consacrati iar daca e incepator, din ratiuni economice, la artisti mai putin consacrati sau chiar de loc...sau chiar nuli si de care nu a auzit nimeni*. Cred ca aici e zona in care iti vei da seama ca ai dat banii degeaba in momentul cand termini workshop-ul si constati ca esti mai lemn decat inainte. Ba mai rau... Daca inainte aveai 2-3 intrebari fara raspuns acum ai 20 si-ti pocneste capul de ciuda si ganduri negre, nu neaparat dupa bani pe care ii dadaeai mai bine la copii sarmani sau/si batrani ai strazii decat organizatorului cat dupa faptul ca daca o tii tot asa , din workshop nul in workshop nul o sa ajungi sa te uiti la o fotografie precum curca'n craci. Fac o paranteza...daca pleci cu mai multe intrebari decat cu cate ai venit inseamna ca workshop-ul a fost OK. Cum nu poti ajunge doctor in fotografie in urma unei zile (sau doua, sau mai multe) de curs macar ti-a deschis mintea si dorinta de informatii noi.
Da, cred ca domnul Moiceanu a deschis Cutia Pandorei (sa nu mi se ia in nume de rau daca dl. Moiceanu nu a fost primul fotograf ce a organizat workshop-uri fotografice in Romania, dar in ceea ce ma priveste asimilez inceputurile workshop-urilor la noi cu dl. Moiceanu si Culoarul Rucar-Bran).
Domn' Moiceanu...ce ne-ati facut???
* mai exista si categoria incepator cu bani, dar comportamentul fotografic al acestora e imprevizibil pentru mine
Almost perfect words...
Almost perfect words said by Syl Arena - http://pixsylated.com
I said almost because I'm waiting for him to continue... :)
1. If you can’t be remarkable, be memorable.
2. You are NOT defined by your photo gear or your computer’s operating system.
3. Powerful photographs touch people at a depth they don’t anticipate.
4. You have to let your images go out into the world without you.
5. Cross-pollinate with photographers and other creatives.
6. Photography slices time. Photography gathers time.
7. Learning to create photographs that “look” like your world should be only a milestone - not the destination.
8. “Coopetition” is a new business model that’s here to stay.
9. Wars have been fought to protect your copyrights.
10. Your photographs have value. Don’t give them away.
11. Your photographs have value. Give them away.
12. Resist the temptation to become a pro photographer.
13. Learning photography is just like becoming fluent in a foreign language.
14. Invest more in your education than you do in photo gear.
15. Understand that the meaning of “traditional photography” is relative and it always will be.
16. Photographers are like dogs – they come in many breeds, some are purebred, others are mongrels.
17. Learn to think of the viewfinder as optional.
18. Make tons of mistakes and fail frequently.
19. Don’t worry about “having a defined look”.
20. Understand that owning a photograph is different than owning the right to reproduce it.
21. MTV has changed the way we look at and digest images (Ioan opinion: in a wrong way?).
Which one do you like most?
My favourite is 10 and 11. Yes...two of them... :)
I said almost because I'm waiting for him to continue... :)
1. If you can’t be remarkable, be memorable.
2. You are NOT defined by your photo gear or your computer’s operating system.
3. Powerful photographs touch people at a depth they don’t anticipate.
4. You have to let your images go out into the world without you.
5. Cross-pollinate with photographers and other creatives.
6. Photography slices time. Photography gathers time.
7. Learning to create photographs that “look” like your world should be only a milestone - not the destination.
8. “Coopetition” is a new business model that’s here to stay.
9. Wars have been fought to protect your copyrights.
10. Your photographs have value. Don’t give them away.
11. Your photographs have value. Give them away.
12. Resist the temptation to become a pro photographer.
13. Learning photography is just like becoming fluent in a foreign language.
14. Invest more in your education than you do in photo gear.
15. Understand that the meaning of “traditional photography” is relative and it always will be.
16. Photographers are like dogs – they come in many breeds, some are purebred, others are mongrels.
17. Learn to think of the viewfinder as optional.
18. Make tons of mistakes and fail frequently.
19. Don’t worry about “having a defined look”.
20. Understand that owning a photograph is different than owning the right to reproduce it.
21. MTV has changed the way we look at and digest images (Ioan opinion: in a wrong way?).
Which one do you like most?
My favourite is 10 and 11. Yes...two of them... :)
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