Stands in the open sky,
Counting, as if at his leisure,
The days of Eternity.
The Stream comes down from its Sources,
Afar in the glacial height,
Rushing along through the valley
In loops of silver light.
"What is my duty, O Mountain,
Is it to stand like thee?
Is it, O flashing torrent,
Like thee—to be free?"
The Man utters the questions,
He breathes—he is gone!
The Mountain stands in the heavens,
The Stream rushes on.
In the Selkirks
by Duncan Campbell Scott
Salut! Imi plac mult fotografiile tale. Sunt amator si as dori sa stiu ce filtre folosesti, daca se poate. De exemplu in imaginea de mai sus ce ai folosit? Multumesc.
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ReplyDeleteIn aceasta fotografie nu a fost folosit nici un filtru, am profitat doar de apusul soarelui. Altfel, pentru peisaje folosesc filtre de polarizare, neutre, gradual neutre si in cazul fotografiei alb-negru pe film cele clasice (rosu, portocaliu sau dupa caz vere sau galben).