Priveam fără de ţintă-n sus -
Într-o sălbatică splendoare
Vedeam Ceahlăul la apus,
Departe-n zări albastre dus,
Un uriaş cu fruntea-n soare,
De pază ţării noastre pus.
Şi ca o taină călătoare,
Un nor cu muntele vecin
Plutea-ntr-acest imens senin
Şi n-avea aripi să mai zboare!
Şi tot văzduhul era plin
De cântece ciripitoare.
Privirile de farmec bete
Mi le-am întors către pământ -
Iar spicele jucau în vânt,
Ca-n horă dup-un vesel cânt
Copilele cu blonde plete,
Când saltă largul lor vestmânt.
În lan erau feciori şi fete,
Şi ei cântau o doină-n cor.
Juca viaţa-n ochii lor
Şi vântul le juca prin plete.
Miei albi fugeau către izvor
Şi grauri suri zburau în cete.
Cât de frumoasă te-ai gătit,
Naturo, tu! Ca o virgină
Cu umblet drag, cu chip iubit!
Aş vrea să plâng de fericit,
Că simt suflarea ta divină,
Că pot să văd ce-ai plăsmuit!
Mi-e inima de lacrimi plină,
Că-n ea s-au îngropat mereu
Ai mei, şi-o să mă-ngrop şi eu!
O mare e, dar mare lină -
Natură, în mormântul meu,
E totul cald, că e lumină!
de George Cosbuc
Nota: Cu mentiunea ca nu este Ceahlaul ci Bucegiul (vazut dinspre Bran)
My photographic vision. The world as I have seen it through my camera lens.
18 September 2009
16 September 2009
The old gray shade of the Mountain
Stands in the open sky,
Counting, as if at his leisure,
The days of Eternity.
The Stream comes down from its Sources,
Afar in the glacial height,
Rushing along through the valley
In loops of silver light.
"What is my duty, O Mountain,
Is it to stand like thee?
Is it, O flashing torrent,
Like thee—to be free?"
The Man utters the questions,
He breathes—he is gone!
The Mountain stands in the heavens,
The Stream rushes on.
In the Selkirks
by Duncan Campbell Scott
Stands in the open sky,
Counting, as if at his leisure,
The days of Eternity.
The Stream comes down from its Sources,
Afar in the glacial height,
Rushing along through the valley
In loops of silver light.
"What is my duty, O Mountain,
Is it to stand like thee?
Is it, O flashing torrent,
Like thee—to be free?"
The Man utters the questions,
He breathes—he is gone!
The Mountain stands in the heavens,
The Stream rushes on.
In the Selkirks
by Duncan Campbell Scott
11 September 2009
Sanctum Ignis
"Tot asa si acest munte a fost recunoscut drept sacru si astfel il numeau getii; numele lui, Kogaion, era la fel cu numele raului care curgea alaturi". Strabon, "Geografia" (VII, 3, 5)
10 September 2009
Brad batran
A fost taiat un brad batrân
Fiindca facea prea multa umbra
Si-atuncea din padurea sumbra
S-a auzit un glas pagân.
O, voi ce-n soare cald traiti
Si-ati rapus stramosul vostru
Sa nu va strice voua rostul
De ce sunteti asa grabiti ?
În anii multi cât el a fost
De-alungul ceasurilor grele
Sub paza crengilor rebele
Multi au aflat un adapost
Mosneagul, stând pe culme drept,
A fost la drum o calauza
Si-n vremea aspra si ursuza
El cu furtunile-a dat piept
Folos aduse cât fu viu
Si mort acuma, când se duce,
Ce alta poate-a va aduce
Decât doar înca un sicriu.
Brad batran
de Nicolae Iorga
Fiindca facea prea multa umbra
Si-atuncea din padurea sumbra
S-a auzit un glas pagân.
O, voi ce-n soare cald traiti
Si-ati rapus stramosul vostru
Sa nu va strice voua rostul
De ce sunteti asa grabiti ?
În anii multi cât el a fost
De-alungul ceasurilor grele
Sub paza crengilor rebele
Multi au aflat un adapost
Mosneagul, stând pe culme drept,
A fost la drum o calauza
Si-n vremea aspra si ursuza
El cu furtunile-a dat piept
Folos aduse cât fu viu
Si mort acuma, când se duce,
Ce alta poate-a va aduce
Decât doar înca un sicriu.
Brad batran
de Nicolae Iorga
09 September 2009
The Path
There are no beaten paths to Glory's height,
There are no rules to compass greatness known;
Each for himself must cleave a path alone,
And press his own way forward in the fight.
Smooth is the way to ease and calm delight,
And soft the road Sloth chooseth for her own;
But he who craves the flower of life full-blown,
Must struggle up in all his armor dight!
What though the burden bear him sorely down
And crush to dust the mountain of his pride,
Oh, then, with strong heart let him still abide;
For rugged is the roadway to renown,
Nor may he hope to gain the envied crown
Till he hath thrust the looming rocks aside.
The Path
by Paul Laurence Dunbar
There are no rules to compass greatness known;
Each for himself must cleave a path alone,
And press his own way forward in the fight.
Smooth is the way to ease and calm delight,
And soft the road Sloth chooseth for her own;
But he who craves the flower of life full-blown,
Must struggle up in all his armor dight!
What though the burden bear him sorely down
And crush to dust the mountain of his pride,
Oh, then, with strong heart let him still abide;
For rugged is the roadway to renown,
Nor may he hope to gain the envied crown
Till he hath thrust the looming rocks aside.
The Path
by Paul Laurence Dunbar
08 September 2009
The Thirst
I remember you as you were in the last autumn.
You were the grey beret and the still heart.
In your eyes the flames of the twilight fought on.
And the leaves fell in the water of your soul.
Clasping my arms like a climbing plant
the leaves garnered your voice, that was slow and at peace.
Bonfire of awe in which my thirst was burning.
Sweet blue hyacinth twisted over my soul.
I feel your eyes traveling, and the autumn is far off:
Grey beret, voice of a bird, heart like a house
Towards which my deep longings migrated
And my kisses fell, happy as embers.
Sky from a ship. Field from the hills:
Your memory is made of light, of smoke, of a still pond!
Beyond your eyes, farther on, the evenings were blazing.
Dry autumn leaves revolved in your soul.
I Remember You As You Were
by Pablo Neruda
You were the grey beret and the still heart.
In your eyes the flames of the twilight fought on.
And the leaves fell in the water of your soul.
Clasping my arms like a climbing plant
the leaves garnered your voice, that was slow and at peace.
Bonfire of awe in which my thirst was burning.
Sweet blue hyacinth twisted over my soul.
I feel your eyes traveling, and the autumn is far off:
Grey beret, voice of a bird, heart like a house
Towards which my deep longings migrated
And my kisses fell, happy as embers.
Sky from a ship. Field from the hills:
Your memory is made of light, of smoke, of a still pond!
Beyond your eyes, farther on, the evenings were blazing.
Dry autumn leaves revolved in your soul.
I Remember You As You Were
by Pablo Neruda
black and white,
fine art,
07 September 2009
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